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Home » Green Lake Homes for Sale in Chisago City, MN with Waterfront

Green Lake Homes for Sale in Chisago City, MN with Waterfront

Green Lake Properties

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Green Lake water front Properties

ID: 13004100
County: Chisago
Near: Chisago City
Border Water: No

Fish Species: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, channel catfish, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, Lepomis sp., northern pike, pumpkinseed, smallmouth bass, walleye, white crappie, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bowfin (dogfish), common carp, white sucker, banded killifish, bluntnose minnow, brook silverside, brook stickleback, central mudminnow, golden shiner, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, minnows, spotfin shiner, spottail shiner, tadpole madtom

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